Provide reliable and sustainable infrastructure for the efficient delivery of municipal services to meet the current and future needs of our residents and visitors.
Goal: IF.1 Ensure the long-term sustainability and safety of city roadways through proactive maintenance.
IF.1.1 Expand existing roadways and construct new roads in accordance with the RGV-MPO Unified Transportation Program and City Thoroughfare Plan..
Goal: IF.2 Formalize a Stormwater System Maintenance Plan.
IF.2.1 Continue to implement drainage projects in accordance to the City's Master Drainage Plan.
Goal: IF.3 Maintain superior water quality rating.
IF.3.1 Ensure reliable and sustainable water supply.
IF.3.3 Continue efforts to upgrade and actively maintain existing water system infrastructure in accordance with the Water System Master Plan.
IF.3.2 Expand and ensure adequate water supply (water plant improvements and reservoirs).
Goal: IF.4 Maintain and improve wastewater system.
IF.4.1 Implement the recommended improvements in the 2018 Wastewater Master Plan.
Goal: IF.5 Develop and install citywide broadband infrastructure.
Goal: IF.6 Create a maintenance and improvement plan for all city buildings, facilities and capital equipment (>$100K).
Office of Organizational and Strategic Excellence