Economic Vitality
Cultivate a city economy that provides job opportunities, attracts and retains a diverse mix of businesses, and engages in partnerships that promote continuous growth.
Status Legend: On Target | Caution | Below Plan | No Information
Goal: EV.1 Develop Pharr's image as a regional destination to work, live, and play
EV.1.1 Provide businesses with support to foster business retention and expansion.
EV.1.3 Increase downtown visitors by reducing commercial vacancies.
EV.1.2 Increase specialized programs that promote career development.
Goal: EV.2 Create opportunities that encourage investment in commercial and residential areas.
EV.2.1 Create the Unified Development Code (UDC) to streamline the development process.
EV.2.2 Create a downtown revitalization committee to increase commercial revitalization/development programs
Goal: EV.3 Increase crossings and revenues from bridge operations.
EV.3.1 Create and implement new customer acquisition initiatives to attract new business opportunities
City of Pharr
Office of Organizational and Strategic Excellence
Office of Organizational and Strategic Excellence
118 S. Cage Blvd., Pharr, Texas 78577
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