Quality of Life
Enhance Pharr’s Quality of Life to create an inclusive community that cultivates a sense of pride through cultural, educational, and recreational programs.
Status Legend: On Target | Caution | Below Plan | No Information
Goal: QL.1 Enhance cultural and recreational programs, events, and facilities to ensure citizens experience diversity and inclusivity.
QL.1.1 Increase city programs that foster health and wellness.
QL.1.3 Maintain and update current park and trail facilities.
QL.1.5 Improve the health and well-being of the community by enhancing access to healthcare for all Pharr residents.
QL.1.2 Deliver popular and quality city events.
QL 1.4 Increase number of household connections to Pharr Broadband Network.
Goal: QL.2 Reinforce and expand city beautification programs to improve community appearance.
QL.2.1 Develop a curbside recycling program.
QL.2.2 Develop Sustainability Programs to focus on each of the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals
City of Pharr
Office of Organizational and Strategic Excellence
Office of Organizational and Strategic Excellence
118 S. Cage Blvd., Pharr, Texas 78577
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